Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday Activities

Today was a day full of firsts for Joshua and me. We went to the local library for a toddler hour of story time, music time, and toy time. WHAT FUN!!!!! Then we went, with many of the same families, to the local park to play. It has been a beautiful day and Joshua wore himself out. When we got home he ate lunch and then has been asleep for the last 3-1/2 hours.

It was exciting and a little scary to meet the moms and dads at the library activity. I discovered that all of us are transplants to this area and even met people originally from Australia and Boston. I look forward to getting to know them more.

It is really fun to watch Joshua as he learns to interact with other kids and to explore his world on foot. Today he had a great time at the park playing with his ball and generally exploring the bushes, dirt, and paths.

Tonight is Pizza night at our house. I got several at a great sale in January so we have enough to get through mid-March. After we use them up I am going to try my hand at making and freezing them myself. I want to try a few with very non-traditional ingredients like a maccaroni crust. I saw that in a magazine somewhere a few years ago and thought it looked interesting.

Our furniture and stuff from one of our moving PODS comes tomorrow!!!!!!! We will be able to sleep on a bed instead of the cushions we have been on for 6 weeks and will have a sofa as well as all the kitchen toys. It will be fun unpacking this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Whats up cousin. Brian here. Enjoyed your blog and the pics.
Handsome boy you got there.
Can you mail me an enchilada?

Brigette said...

i definitely want your macaroni crust recipe for pizza... Mmmmm. i would imagine you are busy unpacking all of your 'stuff' into your new home. what a relief to be able to settle in, with all the comforts of home!