Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pics from last 6 weeks or so

Well, I haven't blogged in a long time. We have been very busy. As I type I am sitting in a hotel in New Mexico 1/2 way across the country between CA and TN. I am traveling with the kids by myself to TN and then to SC for a vacation and to attend a family reunion. It will be fun to have everyone meet Maria. We will get to see John's sister who lives in Thailand too.

The trip so far has been uneventful. The kids are doing very well and we are all having a good time. I, as those of you who know me know, LOVE driving across the country. It is beautiful and there are so many wonderful scenery changes. I will post pics from this trip when I get back (in July) and can get the pics off the camera.

In the meantime, here are a few pics from the last 6 weeks. Enjoy.

Trying to get a good pic of the kids when Maria first came home in their Guatemalan outfits. This is in the backyard. It quickly disintegrated and this is the best pic I got. Will try again later.

On a picnic at the local state college. We walked 11 miles round trip to the festival and then home. We were tired.

The sign for the gardens.

Waiting in line outside Forestiere Underground Gardens. The tours only take 20 or so people at a time.

Inside the gate waiting to go underground.

In the underground gardens. They are amazingly cool (temperature). They were built by hand by one man.

Maria looking sweet as ever in an outfit from her Great Aunt Betsy.

Joshua looking more grown up and no so much like a baby in an outfit from his cousin, Grant.

Playing outside on the porch

Getting ready to beat the 100+ temps this summer (and this past weekend).

Maria in an bathing suit from her friend Marcella after having had a dip in the kids pool.