Monday, March 10, 2008

Time at the Park and Other Weekend Adventures

Here are some pics from our weekend trip to the park. Joshua enjoyed exploring everywhere in the park and literally ran around for 2 hours non-stop. When we got home he ate dinner, had a bath and crashed, all within 45 min.

In the driveway ready to go.

Watching the ducks and geese

Fill 'n' spill is a great game

These 2 are of Joshua exploring the CA history maze at the park.

Ready to go home with the sun/bug shield on. Also, note the paniers (one full) on the sides of stroller. These will be very useful when Maria is in the 2nd/rear seat of the stroller and her feet are in the stroller basket.

Beautiful blooms around our neighborhood.

Napping in the sun



Around the house, playing:

Cheers. :)

1 comment:

south carolina dem said...

Almost makes me want to move to California!