Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kitchen Budgeting

Okay, so I am not the greatest at this yet, but I am on a mission as our food budget is very tight. We are working to get out of all our debt as quickly as possible and, to that end, we don't have cable TV, walk many places, and have a very tight food budget. For us, our stomachs were an easy place to blow the budget out of the water. When we are tired, stressed, want to celebrate, etc. (you get the pic. we love food) food is what we used to do. Obviously this was not good for our health, waistlines or budget.

Turns out that cooking from scratch, planning ahead and watching coupons/circulars isn't that difficult and is often fun for me. Also, I enjoy cooking and am able to make at home for lots less $$ many snacks that we used to just blow through (graham crackers, cheese crackers, etc).

Being that I am new at this process and still working out the kinks I don't have much advice. There are many wonderful blogs and articles on keeping the kitchen budget under control. Here is a link to one that has links to many others:

Enjoy and happy reading. :)

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