Saturday, March 8, 2008

Spring Fever and Preparing for Planting

Today has been beautiful and we have spent as much time outside as possible. It feels great to be almost completely recovered from our colds. Everyone is feeling much better, though we still have a few runny noses.

Since 1/2 of our stuff, primarily the stuff from the garage and attic, isn't here yet, we don't have our yard toys. Today the gardeners recommended by the landladies came and did trimming, mowing, and general clean up of the front and back yards. Generally, they put down some kind of fertilizer and weed killer. I asked them to not do this since we have little people and beagles. They also took down an old dead pine tree. Now we have wood seasoning for use in the fireplace next winter.

It is amazing how much better the yard looks! Joshua had a great time running around in it and exploring new areas. Anyway, now that the tree is down I can see how much sun per day that portion of the yard is going to get. I am excited to plant a small vegetable and herb garden in that area, as well as putting up some retractable laundry lines in the same vicinity. (Note: it's amazing how quickly stuff dries when the air isn't humid).

I remember last year my brother-in-law, William, reminded us of Square Foot Gardening ( and I am excited to try it here. The beds are raised so I won't be having to dig up and till dirt or add stuff to it to make it the right mix. Plus, I have no idea what has been put on the yard in the past and I am going to be growing stuff organically. I may also do some things in containers.

here's a picture from the Square Foot Gardening website of what I am aiming for:

This configuration gives you 16 different square foot growing spaces. Depending on what you are growing, you will have 1, 4, 9 or 12 plants in each square foot (I think that's what I read).


south carolina dem said...

That looks like a great idea, I am going to check it out, too. I bought blackberry, raspberry, blueberry bushes and a grape vine today, and will be planting tomorrow!

Brigette said...

what are you going to plant in your garden???? i am sooo inspired to plant one also! the only problem we have is that lots of animals from the forest (namely deer) like to come in and feast on the that may be a bit of an issue... i am going to check out your square foot gardening plan too. sounds cool.
have you tried any new deceptively delicious recipes? i just made ramen noodles with a bit of broccoli added in (chopped real fine) and it has not been received very well.....