Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Colds, Ginger Honey Tea and the Beagles

The last few days have been busy with colds, laundry, cooking, and general house stuff. I made my first herbal remedy this past week. It seems to be working and is pretty tasty. I took fresh garlic and sliced it thinly and covered it with honey. I covered the dish and put in the fridge overnight. I then grated some fresh ginger and made a tea to which I added the garlic honey and some fresh lemon slices. It is supposed to help fight colds and flu. It is a sweet, spicy "tea". I have also made some garlic/ginger honey and, after straining, add that to whatever tea we are drinking. Joshua likes the cooked tea mixture in his sippy cup. I add a couple tablespoons to a full sippy cup of water and he drinks it all down.

Needless to say, our house and each of us currently smells like garlic.

Here is a picture of Joshua from today with his sunglasses on. This is the first time he has kept his sunglasses on when we put them on him. Right now he is running around the backyard with his sunglasses on playing with sticks and dirt and grass and such. I am blogging from the backyard where table where I can see him and play with him and, of course, wipe his nose as necessary.

The life of a dog at our house is pretty easy as you can see from the below picture.

This is the beagles sleeping on our pillows on the bed. They enjoy spending time either on our bed, lying in the sun in the backyard, chasing squirrels along the fence in the backyard, and sleeping on the sofa.

Here is a pic of the large mac 'n' cheese I made this week. We ate a small part of it for dinner one night with salads and then I put the rest up using the FoodSaver. I put one day's lunch in the fridge and put the rest in individual portions in the freezer for lunches. This mac 'n' cheese had a surprise ingredient. I baked a butternut squash and put the butternut squash meat into the cheese sauce before mixing with the mac. It was pretty good but I think next time I will use 1/2 butternut squash and 1/2 cauliflower. The butternut squash has a somewhat sweet flavor that can overpower the cheese.

Well, it's almost time for nap and to fold clothes that have dried on the line. More later. :)

1 comment:

Brigette said...

hola! that tea sounds awesome. do you think it worked? i am glad you are liking deceptively delicious---have you tried any other recipes? i am impressed that you actually cooked the squash and then implemented it. i just bought the baby food squash and mixed it with boxed mac & cheese (for marcella, not me!). well, it is our last full day in arizona, and i am going to go and enjoy the best of it! bbbbbbb