Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Recycling and Garbage

A random observation:

When we arrived at our new home in CA we discovered that we have 3 HUGE garbage cans: blue for recycling (all unsoiled paper, all metal, all plastic, all cardboard, small appliances, etc.), brown for yard waste (grass clippings, tree prunings, etc), and gray for household garbage (you know what that is). Well, where we used to live recycling was not easy and we did not do it.

I can't believe what a difference recycling makes in the amount of household trash we have. Additionally, I am cooking almost entirely from scratch so we don't have as much packaged food as before. We used to fill up a 13 gal trash bag at least once a day. Now it takes us a week to fill an 8 gal trash bag! Wow, it is amazing.

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