Thursday, February 14, 2008

A New-1/2 Made Up Recipe

Here is my version of a recipe my mom used to make when we were little (see below for mom's version). My toddler likes spicy food so he will eat this too.

Meat/Veggie Mix:

1 can Glory Seasoned Tomatoes, Corn & Okra
1 can tomato soup (I use Campbells Healthy Request since the Glory veggies have salt too) (don't add water)
1/2 lb. gound beef (browned and drained)

Topping (see below for alternative toppings):

1 cup cornmeal
1 egg
3/4 c. milk (or however much it takes to get the consistency you like)
some shredded cheese

Brown ground beef and drain. Add soup and veggies and simmer or cook on low for a while until the flavors blend a little. Pour mixture into an 8X8 casserole dish.

Mix together egg and milk and add cornbread and mix in cheese to taste. Pour cornmeal mixture over meat/veggie mixture.

Bake at 425 for 15-20 minutes (or until topping done)

The meat/veggie mix freezes well so sometimes I will make double receipe of mixture and freeze it in smaller casserole dishes or zip top bags. Then when you are ready to use, thaw it completely, prepare and add topping and bake. (I haven't tried freezing it after adding topping and baking.)

Alternative Toppings:

Bisquick Garlic Cheddar biscuit mix with a little extra water to get a less thick consistency so you can pour it over the top

can of Pilsbury or your favorite brand of fridge bicuits

Mom's recipe was ground beef, tomato soup, and bag of frozen mixed veggies topped with fridge biscuits or homemade biscuits. Perfect for little people who prefer a blander taste or who don't like okra.

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