Saturday, August 2, 2008

Moving Back to South Carolina

Well, as luck/fate/the gods would have it, John's job here in CA evaporated and we are moving back to SC next weekend. John has obtained new employment with a law firm in the Hilton Head/Bluffton/Ridgeland area and we are glad to be heading home.

I can't believe I have to repack everything that is here in CA with us. It seems like I just got unpacked. Alas, life moves on and so do we. :)

Will blog when we get resettled. Blessings!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Yummy Veggieish Dinner I Made

This is an amalgum of several veggie casseroles I have seen and/or made over the years and it is, we think, the best one yet. Here is the recipe:

1 20 oz bag frozen cauliflower
1 10 oz box chopped frozen broccoli
1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
1 can corn, drained and rinsed
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 - 3/4 c. mayo

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Defrost veggies (I do this in microwave)
Mix all veggies and garbanzo beans with cheese and mayo. Put in one or two pyrex dishes and bake at 350 for 30 - 45 minutes.

This makes enough for us to have the casserole as a main dish with garlic bread for one dinner and then to have the casserole as a side dish to another dinner.

Enjoy! :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Back from 6 Week Cross Country Trip

Well, we are back from our trip across the country. Some might say that I am insane to drive across the country by myself with two one-year olds. But...... I love, love, love driving and have children who currently travel exceptionally well and who are exceptionally sweet. Papa had to stay here and work, study and take the first of 4 exams for the CPA exam. He passed the first test and is scheduled to take the next section at the end of August. Yeah Papa!!!

The catalyst for this trip was my sister and her husband's purchasing of our truck. The children and I drove it out to my sister and then we, as part of the sales purchase price, received my sister's husband's car which we drove the rest of the trip and home.

Here's the trip in a nutshell: We left on a Tuesday and arrived at my sister's house on the following Friday. On Saturday we all piled into my sister's minivan and drove to my Aunt's family's cabin where we spent Memorial Day weekend. On that Monday we drove and spent the night with my cousin and her family and then on Tuesday we went on down to my Aunt's house. Tuesday night we were back at my cousins' and then Wednesday we were back at my sister's house. We stayed with my sister for another 2-1/2ish weeks and had a wonderful time. The children had a great time with their cousins and exploring new toys. While there, I was able to catch up with a good friend from high school and meet her husband and children. At the end of the time at my sister's I drove to Charleston and spent one afternoon and night with my dear friend and her children. Then, it was on to my in-laws' where we stayed for 9ish days. While there, we were able to see Papa's sister and her husband who were visiting (they live in Thailand) as well as several other of Papa's sibs and their families. At the end of our stay Papa's parents had their 50th wedding anniversary. One of Papa's brothers had a great party at his house. He had put together a DVD of slides of his parents' life over the last 50 years and set it to music. It was wonderful. It was also great to get to see Papa's cousins and uncle. We missed Papa at this and the next family event the following day. Papa's family reunion is once every 2 years and is fairly large. It is generally held at the home of one of the relatives and is held outdoors. It's a potluck picnic and is great fun. While there we got to see lots of relatives, specifically including another Guatemalan cousin. From my in-laws' we went back to my sister's for a couple days and then on to my parents for a couple of days. While at my parents' home I was able to catch up with several friends and had a great time. Then, we headed back home to Papa. We spent 2 nights and 3 full days on the road but we got home.

When we got home Papa saw that his children had acquired new skills and grew while they were gone. Joshua started talking and Maria started walking! Lots of changes from when we left. The car ride back was not quite as quiet as the car ride out.

Here are several pictures from the trip. Enjoy! :)

In an autoglass repair shop in Flagstaff, AZ getting a crack in the windshield fixed. The kids are sitting on a picnic/stadium blanket I took with us and are eating cheese puffs.

I missed in this picture of the kids sleeping in their carseats in the truck. I was trying to show them holding hands. They often fell asleep holding hands on this trip. It was so sweet. It's hard to take pictures of what's going on behind you while you are driving. :)

Cheese sandwiches and milk in a hotel in Tucumcari, NM on night 2 of our trip out to the southeast.

Joshua and Maria are exploring a Clifford the Big Red Dog exhibit and having a grand time. Maria is practicing her newfound skill of walking.

Joshua having a great time playing with his cousins' toys.

Joshua sporting an outfit painted by my Aunt whom we visited. She paints wonderful children's clothes and items.

Maria sporting an outfit painted by my Aunt. Again, you can see how cute the clothes she paints are!

A turtle in a pond at a nature center to which we went.

Joshua walking with Mimi at the same nature center. So cute!

Ah, the joys of sleeping in the same play pen. :)

And, finally, fitting everything that I brought on the trip out in a truck into the new car, including some additional items I picked up while on the trip. As you can see, I left a space for me for driving and a space for the kids in their carseats and filled up basically every other available space in the car.

We are happy to be home and getting back in the swing of our life.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pics from last 6 weeks or so

Well, I haven't blogged in a long time. We have been very busy. As I type I am sitting in a hotel in New Mexico 1/2 way across the country between CA and TN. I am traveling with the kids by myself to TN and then to SC for a vacation and to attend a family reunion. It will be fun to have everyone meet Maria. We will get to see John's sister who lives in Thailand too.

The trip so far has been uneventful. The kids are doing very well and we are all having a good time. I, as those of you who know me know, LOVE driving across the country. It is beautiful and there are so many wonderful scenery changes. I will post pics from this trip when I get back (in July) and can get the pics off the camera.

In the meantime, here are a few pics from the last 6 weeks. Enjoy.

Trying to get a good pic of the kids when Maria first came home in their Guatemalan outfits. This is in the backyard. It quickly disintegrated and this is the best pic I got. Will try again later.

On a picnic at the local state college. We walked 11 miles round trip to the festival and then home. We were tired.

The sign for the gardens.

Waiting in line outside Forestiere Underground Gardens. The tours only take 20 or so people at a time.

Inside the gate waiting to go underground.

In the underground gardens. They are amazingly cool (temperature). They were built by hand by one man.

Maria looking sweet as ever in an outfit from her Great Aunt Betsy.

Joshua looking more grown up and no so much like a baby in an outfit from his cousin, Grant.

Playing outside on the porch

Getting ready to beat the 100+ temps this summer (and this past weekend).

Maria in an bathing suit from her friend Marcella after having had a dip in the kids pool.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I can't believe we have the good fortune of living within an hour and a half's drive of at least 3 beautiful national parks: Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Forest. Growing up it required a lot of planning and scheduling to be able to come out to these and other national parks. It feels somewhat unbelievable to be able to take an afternoon and go over and enjoy a park.

Sunday we took the afternoon off and went to recon Yosemite for some later hiking, biking, and camping trips. It was a beautiful day and we were only gone 6 hours from door to Yosemite and back to door. Also, it only took 1/2 tank of gas. Yeah! Here are a few pictures from our first trip as a family of 4:

First real view of the valley, Half Dome, and Bridalveil Falls. It was breathtaking! You come upon this view just as you exit a tunnel. There are parking areas on both sides of the road but it's a wonder there aren't multiple accidents exiting the tunnel every day.

John & Joshua using the "man" sling.

Mama & Maria using the "girly" sling.

Picnicking in the back of the truck. We were all hungry by the time we stopped for the first view of Half Dome. We decided picnicking in the back of the truck was just as easy as continuing on to a picnic area so..... we pulled out the blankets and the cooler and all piled in the back (beagles and all). We had a nice lunch of string cheese, herb roasted turkey and cheese sandwiches, homemade herbal tea and fruit cups.

Once we finished lunch we headed on down to the valley floor where we took these pictures. Since we were on a recon mission and afternoon outing we didn't identify each of the falls but they were beautiful. We look forward to getting back to Yosemite many times this year and exploring.

Here are the beagles excitedly, albeit erroneously, anticipating being let loose on the valley floor.

I believe this is Bridalveil Falls.

No idea which fall this is but it was beautiful

Again, no idea which fall this is but it was beautiful too.

The giant rock on the right is El Capitan and I'm not sure about the name of the fall on the left.

Each time I visit a national parks or other wilderness areas I am am reminded of the power and beauty of nature.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Getting in the Groove

So, I think I am getting the hang of having two toddlers in the house (though you may want to check back with me when Maria becomes completely mobile). :)

After getting John out the door to work we all got breakfast, cleaned up from breakfast and then had some indoor playtime until morning naps at 11:00 a.m. The kids slept until 12:30, giving me time to clean up a bit and prepare lunch. John came home and joined us for lunch outside on the patio. After lunch and cleanup the kids played outside and I got the organic potting mix put in my 4X4 garden. I also got another load of laundry folded from the line and hung out a new load of clean, wet clothes to dry. It's nap time again for kiddos so I am blogging.

I have just balanced the ckbook and am happy to say that since we got on a written budget we are doing well. We had a little extra because the final adoption expenses were just a hair less than we had planned. When mom was here we went to Costco and I stocked up on some meat, graham crackers, animal crackers, and other things I don't generally buy that will make my life easier as I get the swing of two toddlers.

Yesterday I put up the fireplace bumper and got the rest of the cushiony floor squares put down on the patio. This afternoon I plan on getting all the computer stuff back in the guest bedroom so there are less cords out and about for little people to get into.

Only a few more days of tax season and then I won't be a "tax widow" anymore. Yeah!

Will post pics tomorrow or this weekend. :)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring Break, Easter and Home with Maria!!!!!

I haven't posted in a while because we had family in from out of town for spring break and then we went out of town for Easter. After we got back from Easter I was very busy getting everything finalized for my trip to Guatemala to pick up Maria.

John is, as you can imagine, very busy at work as it is the height of tax season. My mom, Mimi, was able to come and stay with Joshua while I was gone to Guatemala. Mimi left today and we are all sad. It was wonderful to have her here and Joshua really enjoyed having her to play with. Maria also enjoyed getting to know Mimi.

We had a wonderful trip and are home safely.

Tonight I survived preparing dinner for two children, cleaning up dinner, two baths and bedtime on my own. We started dinner at 5:30 and everyone was in bed by 7:45 so I think I did okay. It was definitely interesting.

Joshua and Maria are doing really well together and, knock on wood, both are sleeping through the night in their own cribs in their room. When they wake up it is incredibly sweet because they talk to each other from their cribs. Joshua has already begun to worry about Maria when she cries and has, several times, brought her one of his special toys to help comfort her. Tonight when I was rocking her he brought a book for me to read them together and then he brought her lovey to make sure she could get to sleep. Very sweet. He was so proud of himself for helping comfort her!

Here are a few pics from Easter, Guatemala and arriving home.

Building with blocks on the coffee table

Goodies from the Easter Bunny

Checking out eggs found on Easter egg hunt

Saying goodbye to Mama as she leaves to go get Maria.

Tummy and teething time in the hotel in Guatemala.

Hanging out in the hotel in Guatemala

Sleeping on Mama in the Guatemala City airport

Waiting to board plane and head home to US

Watching Auntie Anne at the hotel in Atlanta.

Meeting everyone at airport.

Puppies hiding out under table and resting in peace away from two toddlers.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kitchen Budgeting

Okay, so I am not the greatest at this yet, but I am on a mission as our food budget is very tight. We are working to get out of all our debt as quickly as possible and, to that end, we don't have cable TV, walk many places, and have a very tight food budget. For us, our stomachs were an easy place to blow the budget out of the water. When we are tired, stressed, want to celebrate, etc. (you get the pic. we love food) food is what we used to do. Obviously this was not good for our health, waistlines or budget.

Turns out that cooking from scratch, planning ahead and watching coupons/circulars isn't that difficult and is often fun for me. Also, I enjoy cooking and am able to make at home for lots less $$ many snacks that we used to just blow through (graham crackers, cheese crackers, etc).

Being that I am new at this process and still working out the kinks I don't have much advice. There are many wonderful blogs and articles on keeping the kitchen budget under control. Here is a link to one that has links to many others:

Enjoy and happy reading. :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Time at the Park and Other Weekend Adventures

Here are some pics from our weekend trip to the park. Joshua enjoyed exploring everywhere in the park and literally ran around for 2 hours non-stop. When we got home he ate dinner, had a bath and crashed, all within 45 min.

In the driveway ready to go.

Watching the ducks and geese

Fill 'n' spill is a great game

These 2 are of Joshua exploring the CA history maze at the park.

Ready to go home with the sun/bug shield on. Also, note the paniers (one full) on the sides of stroller. These will be very useful when Maria is in the 2nd/rear seat of the stroller and her feet are in the stroller basket.

Beautiful blooms around our neighborhood.

Napping in the sun



Around the house, playing:

Cheers. :)