Thursday, April 10, 2008

Getting in the Groove

So, I think I am getting the hang of having two toddlers in the house (though you may want to check back with me when Maria becomes completely mobile). :)

After getting John out the door to work we all got breakfast, cleaned up from breakfast and then had some indoor playtime until morning naps at 11:00 a.m. The kids slept until 12:30, giving me time to clean up a bit and prepare lunch. John came home and joined us for lunch outside on the patio. After lunch and cleanup the kids played outside and I got the organic potting mix put in my 4X4 garden. I also got another load of laundry folded from the line and hung out a new load of clean, wet clothes to dry. It's nap time again for kiddos so I am blogging.

I have just balanced the ckbook and am happy to say that since we got on a written budget we are doing well. We had a little extra because the final adoption expenses were just a hair less than we had planned. When mom was here we went to Costco and I stocked up on some meat, graham crackers, animal crackers, and other things I don't generally buy that will make my life easier as I get the swing of two toddlers.

Yesterday I put up the fireplace bumper and got the rest of the cushiony floor squares put down on the patio. This afternoon I plan on getting all the computer stuff back in the guest bedroom so there are less cords out and about for little people to get into.

Only a few more days of tax season and then I won't be a "tax widow" anymore. Yeah!

Will post pics tomorrow or this weekend. :)

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