Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Walking, Weather and Aromatherapy

It has been beautiful here the last few days and we have been outside alot. We have started walking Papa to work in the a.m. and walking to get him in the evening so John and I can get our exercise. Walking has become much easier with the addition of the stroller. I am now walking somewhere between 4 and 7 miles each day, depending on whether or not Joshua and I go to park and/or run errands on foot.

It is really nice living within walking distance of drug store, office supply store, grocery store, Costco (a fair distance away), etc. Also, if we walk mostly during the week, we may have enough gas money in the budget to go somewhere like the mountains or lake on the weekends.

Interesting trees on our walk

A few pics from the park

Today I hung a load of clothes and a load of diapers out to dry in the sun. I really like the smell of clothes dried on the line, although it does mean ironing for John's work shirts. The sun is a great stain eraser for the diapers too.

I have been reading and doing internet research on eco friendly cleaners to make at home using baking soda, castille soap, etc. and adding in some essential oils for disinfectant and/or aroma. I'm going to give a couple of the "recipes" a try later this week. Will let you all know how it works out. Also, I am finding that aromatherapy is very interesting. I will add it to my list of interests. It seems to dovetail well with herbal healing.

1 comment:

south carolina dem said...

Those trees are truly strange and beautiful. And we are the same Princess Bride character!
I am so happy that your daughter is finally going to come home!