Saturday, February 23, 2008

Preparing for Maria

We have exciting news: our world is about to change dramatically again! Yippee!!!!!!
These are the most recent pics of our beautiful daughter.
We got word about a week ago that our adoption of Maria is final under Guatemalan law and that her birth certificate showing us as parents is completed. Now, we are just waiting on the final steps, including 1) 2nd DNA test to make sure there was not baby switch since the intitial DNA test matching surrendering mother and baby and 2) US Embassy appointment to finalize on the US side and obtain VISA and Guatemalan Passport. If everything goes smoothly we expect to bring Maria home sometime in mid to late March. She will be approximately 13 months old when we bring her home. We will have "Irish twins" since they will only be 5 mo. apart.

We never really used a stroller with Joshua as I just wore him in an EllaRoo wrap, and still often do. So... in preparation for having a second 20+ lbs to carry around, I have gotten a double stroller. It's a really cool double stroller as it takes up no more room than a single stroller. It is from Phil & Ted's of New Zealand. We took it on an outing today and it works like a dream. I couldn't even tell I was pushing a stroller. Yeah!

I still plan on wearing Maria and/or Joshua at times, but as I only have one back in this life, I want to make sure I am prepared to protect it.

We have also been finalizing the nursery to accomodate 2 children. We have 2 cribs; I have hung up all her clothes and put up her shoes; I have gotten a couple "girl" crib sheets; and I got matching sage green striped dust ruffles for their cribs.

We got 2 Phil & Ted's Me Too seats (see pic) to use as high chairs at our breakfast room table and to take with us if we travel. The seat has a 5 pt safety harness to fasten the child in. Joshua already loves his because he is up at the table with us. Also, we have Maria's carseat ready to go.

We already have all the cloth diapers and wraps we will need.

Yeah, our family is almost complete and Joshua is a big brother!!!!!!


Brigette said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear all the details of maria's preparations. how awesome!!!!!! (much more exciting than grant writing!). that double stroller looks awesome. i may have to invest in one of those one day as well.
well, we are SO pumped for maria's arrival. Although we are far away, our phone calls, emails, and blogs will make it seem like we are right next door and we can share in MARIA'S arrival. How are we going to arrange these 'virtual playdates??'

Unknown said...

yay! That's so exciting!!
She's adorable!

I think we should come to CA to visit yall this summer. :)

(i like the stroller and high chair/seats. coool. :D )