Saturday, August 2, 2008

Moving Back to South Carolina

Well, as luck/fate/the gods would have it, John's job here in CA evaporated and we are moving back to SC next weekend. John has obtained new employment with a law firm in the Hilton Head/Bluffton/Ridgeland area and we are glad to be heading home.

I can't believe I have to repack everything that is here in CA with us. It seems like I just got unpacked. Alas, life moves on and so do we. :)

Will blog when we get resettled. Blessings!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Yummy Veggieish Dinner I Made

This is an amalgum of several veggie casseroles I have seen and/or made over the years and it is, we think, the best one yet. Here is the recipe:

1 20 oz bag frozen cauliflower
1 10 oz box chopped frozen broccoli
1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
1 can corn, drained and rinsed
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 - 3/4 c. mayo

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Defrost veggies (I do this in microwave)
Mix all veggies and garbanzo beans with cheese and mayo. Put in one or two pyrex dishes and bake at 350 for 30 - 45 minutes.

This makes enough for us to have the casserole as a main dish with garlic bread for one dinner and then to have the casserole as a side dish to another dinner.

Enjoy! :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Back from 6 Week Cross Country Trip

Well, we are back from our trip across the country. Some might say that I am insane to drive across the country by myself with two one-year olds. But...... I love, love, love driving and have children who currently travel exceptionally well and who are exceptionally sweet. Papa had to stay here and work, study and take the first of 4 exams for the CPA exam. He passed the first test and is scheduled to take the next section at the end of August. Yeah Papa!!!

The catalyst for this trip was my sister and her husband's purchasing of our truck. The children and I drove it out to my sister and then we, as part of the sales purchase price, received my sister's husband's car which we drove the rest of the trip and home.

Here's the trip in a nutshell: We left on a Tuesday and arrived at my sister's house on the following Friday. On Saturday we all piled into my sister's minivan and drove to my Aunt's family's cabin where we spent Memorial Day weekend. On that Monday we drove and spent the night with my cousin and her family and then on Tuesday we went on down to my Aunt's house. Tuesday night we were back at my cousins' and then Wednesday we were back at my sister's house. We stayed with my sister for another 2-1/2ish weeks and had a wonderful time. The children had a great time with their cousins and exploring new toys. While there, I was able to catch up with a good friend from high school and meet her husband and children. At the end of the time at my sister's I drove to Charleston and spent one afternoon and night with my dear friend and her children. Then, it was on to my in-laws' where we stayed for 9ish days. While there, we were able to see Papa's sister and her husband who were visiting (they live in Thailand) as well as several other of Papa's sibs and their families. At the end of our stay Papa's parents had their 50th wedding anniversary. One of Papa's brothers had a great party at his house. He had put together a DVD of slides of his parents' life over the last 50 years and set it to music. It was wonderful. It was also great to get to see Papa's cousins and uncle. We missed Papa at this and the next family event the following day. Papa's family reunion is once every 2 years and is fairly large. It is generally held at the home of one of the relatives and is held outdoors. It's a potluck picnic and is great fun. While there we got to see lots of relatives, specifically including another Guatemalan cousin. From my in-laws' we went back to my sister's for a couple days and then on to my parents for a couple of days. While at my parents' home I was able to catch up with several friends and had a great time. Then, we headed back home to Papa. We spent 2 nights and 3 full days on the road but we got home.

When we got home Papa saw that his children had acquired new skills and grew while they were gone. Joshua started talking and Maria started walking! Lots of changes from when we left. The car ride back was not quite as quiet as the car ride out.

Here are several pictures from the trip. Enjoy! :)

In an autoglass repair shop in Flagstaff, AZ getting a crack in the windshield fixed. The kids are sitting on a picnic/stadium blanket I took with us and are eating cheese puffs.

I missed in this picture of the kids sleeping in their carseats in the truck. I was trying to show them holding hands. They often fell asleep holding hands on this trip. It was so sweet. It's hard to take pictures of what's going on behind you while you are driving. :)

Cheese sandwiches and milk in a hotel in Tucumcari, NM on night 2 of our trip out to the southeast.

Joshua and Maria are exploring a Clifford the Big Red Dog exhibit and having a grand time. Maria is practicing her newfound skill of walking.

Joshua having a great time playing with his cousins' toys.

Joshua sporting an outfit painted by my Aunt whom we visited. She paints wonderful children's clothes and items.

Maria sporting an outfit painted by my Aunt. Again, you can see how cute the clothes she paints are!

A turtle in a pond at a nature center to which we went.

Joshua walking with Mimi at the same nature center. So cute!

Ah, the joys of sleeping in the same play pen. :)

And, finally, fitting everything that I brought on the trip out in a truck into the new car, including some additional items I picked up while on the trip. As you can see, I left a space for me for driving and a space for the kids in their carseats and filled up basically every other available space in the car.

We are happy to be home and getting back in the swing of our life.

Have a great weekend!